To persuade BANES Council not to proceed with closing Winifred's Lane
To offer suitable alternatives backed up by robust data and legal advice
Passionate local residents who understand the implications
We are fully committed to stopping the plans even if that means going to court again
Committed Local Residents
A group of over 3,000 concerned locals have objected to the Council's proposed LTN around Winifred's Lane.
Despite these objections, numerous procedural mistakes, and despite our successful legal challenge, the Council still proposes to implement the closure of Winifred's Lane as an experimental traffic restriction order (ETRO).
Our group aims to organise resistance to these proposals and will use this site to update you and ask for your support.
Fundraising for Legal Fees
We have so far raised over £38,000 from over 220 concerned residents.
Legal advice and data collection are expensive processes but if we are to persuade the Council to change course it is money well spent.
We will account to all donors for expenditure but if you can support us please do by clicking on the button below.

Let’s Connect
If you have any queries, or would like to support us, please get in touch.