Hi everyone, firstly thank you for your support to date.
We have decided to set up a new residents group called Heart of Lansdown Conservation Group which will give us more influence and a greater voice with BANES as a Residents Association. Membership is open to everyone in Lansdown and Endsleigh and we now have a formal constitution and our own bank account.
It will be HOLCG who are the claimant in a future legal challenge. We are closely monitoring the Winfred's Lane situation and are ready to challenge the ETRO at the right moment.
Please go to www.heartoflansdown.co.uk and sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of the home page to keep informed of developments because we will not be updating this site in the future.
We felt that it was time to move our challenge onto a more professional footing and we hope you will continue to support us.
Thank you